Findings from the National Engagement on Digital Health and Social Care

The Health Information and Quality Authority (HIQA), in partnership with the Department of Health and the Health Service Executive (HSE), are delighted to announce the launch of the National Engagement on Digital Health and Social Care. The purpose of the National Engagement on Digital Health and Social Care was to understand the public and professionals views in relation to the digitalisation of health and social care services, and to investigate what the Irish public and professionals who work in health and social care want, need, and are ready for in relation to the digitisation of health and social care services.
I wish to thank you very much for your contribution in supporting this engagement project and promoting the professional survey. Your help was invaluable is supporting us reach 1,020 professionals who participated in the survey.
Please see a snapshot of the key findings attached to this email. HIQA will use the findings to inform its health information programme of work. The Department of Health and the HSE will also use the findings to inform legislation, national policy, and future developments in digital health and social care.
The findings report and technical report can be found Here
If you have any feedback or questions on this report, please contact us at
We look forward to engaging with you on future topics.
With kind regards,
Inna Novak | Research Officer | Health Information Standards
Health Information and Standards Directorate
Health Information and Quality Authority
One Galway Central | Forster Street | Galway | H91 NHH9
An t-Údarás Um Fhaisnéis agus Cáilíocht Sláinte
Gaillimh Lárnach a hAon | Sráid Fhorster | Gaillimh | H91 NHH9
Phone number +353 87 115 8397|